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News From Northside

This is the fifth issue of our new seriesNews from Northside publication that will be published twice a year sharing stories of practice from across the Northside team.

北区新闻 - 我们的第五期

尤马 (恩古纳瓦尔语中的“你好”) 欢迎来到 北区新闻第五版.


过去六个月, Northside has participated in three of Canberra’s largest events to bring our services to the wider community, and we have celebrated Harmony Week and National Reconciliation Week. Our Reconciliation Action Plan (关于 WordPress) working group has also welcomed new members and made significant progress, which you can read about in this issue.

Our Youth Engagement team delivered two successful School Holiday programs, and our Social Groups enjoyed memorable outings and activities. Parents are seeing the positive impact of the ACT Government’s free three-year-old preschool program.

You will also find inspiring stories showcasing the incredible work our team is doing to enrich the lives of those we serve.

感谢所有为本出版物做出贡献的人以及那些每天帮助我们在 Northside 做出贡献的人.

我希望你喜欢 Northside 另一个令人兴奋的六个月的总结.


Dan English
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