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北区社区服务中心为激动人心的活动做好准备 2024

充满承诺的一年: 北区社区服务中心为激动人心的活动做好准备 2024

Dear All,

As we step into the promising year of 2024, 北区社区服务对我们未来一年的重点关注领域以及我们为您和您所爱的人提供卓越服务的承诺感到兴奋.


领导层交接和认可: 我们的前进之路包括欢迎新的观点和领导力. 我们对前任首席执行官表示衷心的感谢, 安娜·惠蒂, 谁曾奉献过 9 北区社区服务服务年数. Anna’s leadership has been instrumental in shaping the organisation into the supportive and caring entity it is today. As Anna pursues political career opportunities, we extend our warmest thanks for her tireless commitment to our community.

New opportunities: With recent changes in our leadership team, including Anna’s departure, recruitment is underway to fill the CEO role with an individual who shares our passion for community service. This transition presents new opportunities for Northside, and we are excited about the potential these changes bring.

We understand that change can be a time of uncertainty, but we want to assure you we are committed to providing seamless and exceptional services.

Connecting with us: We invite you to stay connected and be a part of this exciting journey. We value your feedback and look forward to building a future that truly reflects the needs of our diverse and vibrant community.

在北区社区服务处, our commitment to delivering exceptional services is at the core of everything we do.

Here’s to a year of promise, growth, and strong outcomes for our communities.

Acting Chief Executive Officer
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