
Vote For The Voice

Northside will be supporting a Yes vote on the Voice to Parliament as part of our campaign VOTE FOR THE VOICE.

Vote For The Voice

In 2023, Australians will take part in a referendum on an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voice to Parliament.

As part of our Advocacy Strategy and commitments, Northside will be supporting a Yes vote on the Voice to Parliament as part of our campaign VOTE FOR THE VOICE.

We will be sharing information and resources through this page, as well as at all of our sites. We will be asking everyone at Northside, and in our wider community, to vote for this important recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

What is the Voice to Parliament?

A First Nations Voice to Parliament is the first reform called for in the Uluru Statement. This is a Constitutionally-enshrined body of First Nations with a direct line to Federal Parliament, able to influence laws and policies that affect First Nations communities first-hand – at the point they originate. A constitutional Voice is both symbolic and substantive recognition.


What is the Uluru Statement from the Heart?

The Uluru Statement is an invitation from First Nations Peoples issued to all Australians on 26 May 2017. It calls for legal and structural reforms to reshape the relationship between First Nations Peoples and the Australian population.


Northside Community Service acknowledges the Ngunnawal People, the traditional owners of the ACT and region. We recognise the continuing connection of the Ngunnawal people to the mountains, waterholes, rivers, caves, rock formations, flora, fauna, wind and air since time immemorial. We recognise that sovereignty was never ceded from Indigenous people and that this continent always was and always will be Aboriginal land. We extend this acknowledgement to Ngunnawal’s neighbouring countries; Gundungurra to the North, Ngarigo to the South, Yuin to the coast and Wiradjuri inland. We pay our respect to the Ngunnawal Elders and Ancestors past, present and emerging and thank them for their teachings and knowledge passed down through generations.

We would also like to acknowledge local artist Lynnice Church whose artwork is featured on the VOTE FOR THE VOICE campaign.

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