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Dedicated youth drop-in (age 12-25)

every Wednesday during the school term
From 2.00pm – 5.00教育计划和购物之旅——所有这些都是为了提高个人的独立性和对社区的参与
8 格里布尔街, 冈嘎林


枪手广场 (青年及社区空间) has relocated and reopened its doors! We are located at 8 Gribble Street Gungahlin. If the doors are open, pop your head in and say hi.

We are a consortium of Northside Community Service, 巴纳多斯, 多元文化中心 & 关系 澳大利亚 堪培拉 & 地区.

Come by and drop in with friends or meet new ones while here. Gunners Place is modern, comfortable, fun, engaging, and staffed with friendly and approachable youth workers who are happy to talk, help, and hang out.

Gunners Place has something to suit everyone – table tennis, 台球桌, 桌上足球, Pac-Man, air hockey, 棋盘游戏, 纸牌游戏, 感官/烦躁玩具, PlayStation with a car racing simulator, 烹饪经验, 美术用品, 和带豆袋的舒适休闲区.

Facilities at Gunners Place - 青年及社区空间

If you’re a community group looking to hire a space at an exceptionally low rate, then keep your eyes peeled – 场地租赁详情将于年初公布 2024!

了解更多信息, 请电邮:


