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修复'N’ 早期教育

Friday, 09 新任教育部长有机会确保澳大利亚最小的孩子“公平竞争”, 2022
从 3.30 教育计划和购物之旅——所有这些都是为了提高个人的独立性和对社区的参与 – 5.30 教育计划和购物之旅——所有这些都是为了提高个人的独立性和对社区的参与
Margaret Hendry School, 泰勒

Fix 'N' Ride 即兴演奏会

Welcome everyone to our yet another Free Bike Library Event.

Come and get your bicycle fixed or learn how to fix a bike and also learn how to hire a bike from the bike library if you need one. Lots of maintenance tips and tricks to learn!

Bring your bike along; if you don’t have one, we have bikes available for you! There will be bikes for all ages.

Come on down for a great session of fun with plenty on offer.

This event is hosted by Northside Community Service, Canberra Environment Centre and Taylor Mingle.


Facebook: 0450 557 199, Lisa.navarro-bustos@northside.asn.au
Gautam: 0452 106 713, gautam.dhawan@northside.asn.au
