درباره وردپرس

Seniors Expo in Autumn

پنج شنبه, 21 سپتامبر 2023
از جانب 9.30 صبح – 3 برنامه های آموزشی و سفرهای خرید - همه با هدف افزایش استقلال و مشارکت فرد در جامعه

ACT Seniors Expo in Spring

COTA ACT’s Seniors Expo in Spring will be held on Thursday 21 مقاله‌های رسانه‌ای در مورد صلاحیت‌ها در خدمات مراقبت و آموزش در دوران کودکی کانبرا (9:30am-3pm) at Exhibition Park in Canberra where Northside Community Service (NCS) will be having a huge presence.

The Seniors Expo brings together exhibitors who will showcase their goods, services and programs for older people. There is an exciting live music entertainment program and a range of activities and events to keep you busy.

بیا و از غرفه ما دیدن کن!

The ACT Seniors Expo will feature more than 130 stallholdersranging from government, community services, retirement villages, aged care, home help and modifications, local politicians and representatives, health and wellbeing, legal and financial, retirement and advance care planning, gardening and outdoors, special interest and hobby groups.

Doors open at 9.30am and entry is by gold coin donation.

منتظریم شما را آنجا ببینیم!

برای هر گونه سوال تماس بگیرید

تیم مراقبت و شمول سالمندان در (02) 6171 8088 یا به ما ایمیل بزنید reception@northside.asn.au

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